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Go with Lightness of Heart

Go with Lightness of Heart

Matthew 18 comes to a close with Peter asking Jesus a very insightful question that can make a huge difference to how we live and how life feels. After being given a rescue plan to follow so that we can help restore our brothers and sisters who fall into sin, Peter asks how often we ought to forgive those who fall repeatedly. Forgiveness and restoration aren’t the same thing, but we can’t pursue restoration if we haven’t first forgiven in our hearts. People who follow the rescue plan without first forgiving will just use it as a tool to control and punish, not as a way to heal and restore. Jesus answers Peter’s question in a way that not only shows us God’s wants us to do, it warns us that our choices matter. Choosing obedience leads to lightness of heart and freedom from sin; but if we put limits on our forgiveness there is a heaviness that cannot be escaped.


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