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Good Government Matters

Good Government Matters

As ANZAC Day approaches we’re very aware of how important good government is; and how devastating the consequences can be when governments go astray. With a federal election coming up in May, we turn our attention to Romans 13:1-7 to discover the role that God has given us to support good government.

At first glance it seems we’re being told to do whatever we’re told, but we find that resisting tyranny the right way is actually vital in supporting healthy government! There is no value in being punished for doing what is wrong, but we do need to be willing to pay the price for doing what is good. We explore the moral dilemma faced by people in Russia & Ukraine and how this passage speaks to that situation; then we apply it closer to home. We need to be willing to stand against ungodly patterns of behaviour in our own society that are doing real damage and undermining good government.


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