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A Community of Christ in the World

A Community of Christ in the World

As Paul describes community life in the letter of 2 Corinthians, we notice that it’s all about relationships within the Church that are characterised by loving, sharing and growing.

That leads us to ask 1) “What do we do with the fact that church life often doesn’t measure up to this?”; and 2) “What about relationships outside the Church?”. We discover that the answer to these questions is the same… it’s all about loving people where they’re at and sharing what they most need. That’s what helps people grow closer to God and more like Him. We also see that there are people who don’t yet know Jesus who are moving in a much better direction than people who would call themselves Christians!

We conclude by looking at a practical skill to help us to do that with the people God places around us, so that we can truly be the community of Christ in the World.


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