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Fan into Flame Wk 3: Our Gifts

Fan into Flame Wk 3: Our Gifts

As the Apostle Paul is passing on the baton of ministry to Timothy in this passage, he deals with two things that are true for all believers: the importance of standing firmly on the true gospel and of finding our confidence in our glorious God. The last thing he encourages Timothy in is the development of his particular gift in ministry. The process by which Paul built into Timothy’s specific calling is a great example to us, but it will also look different for each of us, because the ministries God calls us to are different. In this message we are encouraged to become the kind of people who are allowing others to build into our gift for ministry; who faithfully and fervently use those gifts; and who pass them on to those who will continue to grow the ministry of God’s Church to reach the whole world.


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