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Eager to Do Good

Eager to Do Good

After celebrating some great stories of God doing good in the world through His people earlier in our gathering, we now turn to God’s Word to explore our calling to be agents of His goodness in the world. Using Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:11-14 & Hebrews 10:24-25 as examples, we see the consistent theme in the New Testament of God’s creative work in shaping us to do good; and His creative work around us to prepare the works for us to do.

When who God has made us to be connects with what God’s prepared for us to do, that’s our sweet spot! Our job as God’s people is to be part of that creative work for each other, helping each other to become who God’s making us to be and to do what God’s designed us to do. We don’t do that unless we are talking together very practically about life and service with freedom and frequency!


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