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Author Archives: Mike Birch

Mike Birch

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Communities Minister

Do you believe that God has called us to make disciples rather than attract attenders?  Are you passionate about helping followers of Jesus to help others to follow Jesus and do you sense God calling...

May 11, 2023
in Testimonies

Baptism Stories – July 2018

Stuart I grew up in South Africa, in a divided religious family, half atheist and half Jehovah witness, with very little to no understanding of who God was. As a family of five kids, we...

August 07, 2018
Stewardship of Time
in All Ages

Stewardship of Time

Having a good weekly pattern for how we use time is a huge help in making sure we are being good stewards of this precious gift! Here’s an example of a weekly plan that has...

August 01, 2018
in Testimonies

Lenae’s Story

People talk about have an ‘encounter’ with God, or a moment of suddenly deciding and giving their life to Jesus. But I don’t remember a specific moment. It seems more like at some point I...

March 02, 2018
in Testimonies

Norman’s Story

I love the saying that I once heard – can’t remember who said it, I think it was Andy Stanley – it goes like this: “One day the present will become your past and show...

February 28, 2018
in Testimonies

Andy’s Story

It was 1955 and I started my education at a  convent school in the goldfields town of Southern Cross. One day a class of Pre-Primaries  including myself was led outside the school under a tree...

February 28, 2018
in Testimonies

George’s Story

I never grew up in the church and was part of a family of non believers. At age 21 I married a Christian lady who went to church, but I never did. Buy the age...

February 28, 2018
in Testimonies

Bevan’s Story

My story is outwardly unremarkable, there’s no drama, no earth shattering changes. I wasn’t looking for God, I didn’t have some longing for something that was missing in my life. I wasn’t running away from...

February 28, 2018
in Testimonies

Mike’s Story

My parents became followers of Jesus before I was born and went to work for a Christian organisation, so I grew up hearing about Jesus and being taught how to live for Him.  I had...

February 28, 2018